In the past few months, participation from community members, including LET’S, has led to valuable feedback and observations. The Beyond the Binary team continues to work towards an updated, national, Beyond the Binary Guide.
LET’S, among others, were asked to:
- Check how your name appears under the Acknowledgements section
- Provide high level feedback on updates and flow
- Flag any errors / clarifications that need to be addressed for accuracy
- Review edits/additions to glossary terms (highlighted) and let us know if you have any additional resources to add, i.e. “to deepen your understanding”
LET’S has also been invited to speak at the Beyond the Binary National Knowledge Exchange. The Eventbrite page is now live. Register to attend. The event is being held on October 16th, 9:00 am (PST). The event invites “researchers from all disciplines, people with lived and living experience, trainees, health and research administrators, civil society and community groups to join in the discussion and learn about a new national resource package to promote gender equitable, inclusive research.”
Once finalized, the Beyond the Binary in Canada Guide will replace Beyond the Binary in BC as a single national resource.