Disability Awareness

People with disabilities represent the world’s largest minority, and the only minority group that any of us can become a member of at any time. And yet they still experience barriers, prejudice, and bias on a daily basis.

Our workshop challenges all to more fully address ableist notions of how we think about, and label, our bodies, minds, and senses.

Our Disability Awareness workshops gives you the tools to understand what disability is, the types of disability, the current language of disability, what ableism is, how you can actively work to fight against it, and tips for disabled people and allies alike to better ensure equity in all that you do.

We deliver introduction workshops as well as more advanced workshops. We are able to customize our workshops for your needs. We have done Disability Awareness workshops specific to: education, employment, events, customer service, disability justice, and more.

Instructor: Heather McCain, a disabled, neurodivergent, trans, asexual/queer advocate and educator.

“Heather’s “Disability Awareness” presentation was fantastic! It went well beyond an introduction to the topics. I highly recommend Heather as a speaker. Their way with words – wow!  They got to the essence of each point so quickly and modeled strong language choices throughout – clear, concise, and impactful. The content went well beyond simple mechanics of “what to do and not to do” by bringing in vital pieces about why both historically and currently western society remains weak at building inclusive and accessible spaces. There was so much to think about my brain felt full and yet I did not want the talk to end!”

Dr. Lee Keple, MBA Program Instructor, Athabasca University

For more information, contact us at:

‭(778) 723-5387