Imposter Syndrome is feeling inadequate, feeling like you aren’t qualified to do the work you are doing, or feeling like you might be discovered as a fraud. A person with Imposter Syndrome experiences self-doubt and often attributes their success to luck or people overestimating their abilities. People with Imposter Syndrome also tend to downplay, discount, or minimize their abilities and achievements.
Imposter Syndrome is widespread. It is something that many of us feel whether we are a student, new to our field, or a highly accomplished person. There are ways to reduce the feelings of Imposter Syndrome and address the voices in our heads that tell us to doubt ourselves and our work.
Imposter Syndrome comes from internalized messages that we don’t always realize we are taking in. Imposter Syndrome can also stem from being a person with multiple intersecting identities, particularly identities from marginalized communities. Imposter Syndrome shows itself in a variety of ways, depending on a person’s personality, background and circumstances.
Join us to learn about Imposter Syndrome, how it shows itself, and how we can utilize tools to fight that self-doubt spiral and recognize our strengths.
This workshop will:
• Help you understand how language shapes the way we think about ourselves, talk about ourselves and present ourselves to others.
• Supply you with tools to create a support system that is dependable, that can comfort and champion you but that also challenges you and calls BS when necessary.
• Give you tools to find what works for you to stop the spiral of self-doubt.
• Offer a welcoming environment where we can learn from each other’s experiences and talk about how this collectively affects us.
“I had the great pleasure of attending an amazing workshop on Imposter Syndrome, presented by Heather McCain (they/them), executive director of Creating Accessible Neighbourhoods this afternoon. It wasn’t just about Imposter Syndrome – the content covered the experience of Imposter Syndrome from an oppressed/marginalized, intersectional, social justice, anti-Colonialist, disability justice, and trauma-informed view point. It was informative, validating, and empowering. Having people with lived experience share their knowledge heals communities, and this is how change happens. Kudos for the work you are doing, Heather, and I encourage everyone to check out their upcoming workshops.”
Kelly Bron Johnson, Keynote Speaker | Author | Advocate | Helping CXOs (chief experience officer) and leaders to transform their company culture to be more Inclusive and Accessible to ALL
(778) 723-5387